Creepy Crawlies Print

SpiderAnts, spiders, cockroaches, beetles and silverfish are all insects that infest houses and annoy residents. Whilst also being a hygiene issue; they can also damage property: silverfish have been known to destroy book-bindings, paper; cherished photographs; tapestries and in rare cases upholstery.


AntAnts, spiders, cockroaches, beetles and silverfish are all insects that infest houses and annoy residents. Whilst also being a hygiene issue; they can also damage property: silverfish have been known to destroy book-bindings, paper; cherished photographs; tapestries and in rare cases upholstery.

Beetles, another common garden insect, has been known to destroy crops, notably vegetable patches. The colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata); is well known to destroy potato plants, as well as more recently tomatoes and aubergine.

More worryingly, the death watch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) attacks hardwoods such as oak and chestnut; which can be perilous to older buildings that were constructed in previous centuries.

Despite their small size; all insects can have a damaging effect on household hygiene and wellbeing; as well as a likelihood of damage to property. We strongly recommend that you take action upon the first sign of an insect infestation; as early action will likely prevent future problems.

Click to view our pest control solutions: antscockroaches, beetles and silverfish.